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AL1 Group

Human capital and multisectoral internationalization of companies from different countries

Since its creation in 1982, AL1 International has worked in different countries, in consulting as well as in the conduct and realization of international operations and projects of a private or public nature (see references).

With more than 30 years of international experience, the AL1 Group has been established since 2001 in Spain (Barcelona) and present in France, in Portugal, in all the Latin American countries (except Brazil), in Thailand and Morocco.

With more than 60 senior consultants and partners in Spain and around the world, and an operational entrepreneurial culture oriented towards results, we cover the needs of RRHH advice and support in terms of national and international development strategy, opening up of new markets, restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, as well as marketing, sales, human resources, industrial relocation or sustainable relocation, both in Spain and internationally.

Our team of consultants with strong business experience is multilingual, multicultural, and multisectoral, and in the different countries we cover, we rely on our networking and on a selected network of contractual legal and tax partners.



We help our clients, with or without international experience, in their business development in these new markets, and we provide them with know-how, networks and knowledge of the local context, which allow us to carry out studies markets, supporting strategic development thinking, finding partners (distributors or agents), alliances, creating subsidiaries, industrial or commercial establishments, mergers and acquisitions and recruiting local staff.

Our interventions are essentially operational and practical, and we are present alongside our customers until the success of the mission entrusted to us.


Our priority is customer satisfaction and results.

Our organization and our business model allow us to respond flexibly, quickly, and with strong involvement, to projects and the needs of SMEs / SMIs.

We are as much entrepreneurs as consultants, used to working in the field, having carried out our own projects in different countries, which allows us in addition to advice, to offer interim management or outsourcing services at Management level. , in internationalization and human resources.

In the conduct of internationalization processes, and taking into account the operational needs of SMEs, our objective is oriented towards concrete actions aimed at reducing entry barriers, sales or establishment cycles and choosing the countries of destination, corresponding best to the structural and financial possibilities of the company as well as to its products and services.

For this we carry out free pre-diagnostics on the possibilities of internationalization of the company, we seek strategic alliances or partners (Distributors or Agents), we create subsidiaries or joint ventures, industrial establishments, structures and we assist our clients in their negotiations and calls for tenders, the purchase of companies, and the recruitment and training in target countries as well as in Spain or France

Specific internationalization for companies

of the Urban Mobility and Transport sector


AL1 International has been present in this sector for more than 20 years, or in addition to the support processes described above, our services have focused on the following operational actions in Latin America, Morocco and Thailand:

- Lobbying, and negotiations before tenders for public projects

- Analysis and positioning of the competition for each of the projects

- Research, negotiation and management of local partners (Civil engineering, equipment manufacturers, ...)

- Preparation of responses to calls for tenders

- Legal support for the constitution of consortia and the analysis of contract risks in the event of adjudication

- Local coordination throughout the implementation of the projects awarded

- Support in the management of administrative procedures (Guarantees, local structure, management of local staff, insurance.

- Subcontracting of the operation of centralized mobility management systems. (Short and long term).

- ....

Our support, our knowledge of the characteristics of the sector in each of the countries where we operate and our cultural expertise in negotiation, have enabled our customers to win important projects in the face of competition from large multinational groups.






With more than 30 Senior Consultants in Europe, AL1 International Consulting Group can support you in your development projects in Southern Europe, in terms of acquisition or merger of companies, business development and distribution networks ( search for partners)


Thanks to the experience of our consultants, we also have a solid interim management team that can assume General Management, Financial, Operations, Industrial, Commercial, or Human Resources functions in Spain and Portugal, either to deal with to specific situations, either to participate in specific projects.


AL1 International offers a wide range of services to develop your activity or your establishment in Latin America.

AL1 International is present in Latin America with local consultants, offering negotiation, implementation, business purchase, distributor search, export and import services to SMEs wishing to do business in Latin America .

With the support and coordination of our offices in Europe, we can assist you in destination countries, in operational actions, at a strategic, commercial, productive and legal level.

If you want to export or import, the AL1 network and our networking allow us to find local or international partners in Latin America, interested in buying or distributing your products.

If you wish to create, buy or take a stake in a company, conclude agreements or strategic alliances, we will seek solvent partners with references and will accompany you to help you negotiate the contractual and legal aspects.

In the implementation projects and after the creation of the legal structures, we can find you offices or industrial establishments, carry out the search for executives and your local collaborators, help in the formation of the commercial network taking into account the dimension local culture of negotiation and management.

The multiculturalism of our consultants and the knowledge of business in Latin America allow us to be at your service, in Spanish, or in French with flexibility and operational efficiency.



Established in Thailand and Cambodia since 2009, we help our clients for their implantation projects or partner search.

In Morocco our specialty is the search for commercial or industrial partners and strategic alliances.

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